Monday, October 31, 2011

Guided Reading

I love the idea of guided reading. My wiki was on guided reading so I really wanted to focus on a different aspect of guided reading.  So the article I chose this week was An Important Aspect of Guided Reading: Books Galore! Classroom Connections by J Lois Lanning and Rene LaMere. This article really focused on guided reading as one of the principal teaching techniques for a primary classroom and the need for a generous supply and variety of books.
The article talked about the importance of having a wide range of books that differ in readability, genre, and student interest. All of these kinds of books are necessary in the classroom because no student is the same. The article also talked about ways teachers can get books. I had never thought about how I would stock my classroom when the time came. I guess I just thought that the school would provide the proper materials. When the time comes, I am not going to have the funds myself the purchase all of the books I need. The article talked about how the school district budget or grant funds are a great place to start.
The article talked about how important administrative support can be. If the administrators see merit in guided reading, they can have an important role in securing funds for the purchase of books. It is our responsibility as teachers to show the administration just how important guided reading is. After getting the books the article talked about how a teacher must level them in order to use them in their guided reading activities. 
I felt like these were aspects of guided reading I had not thought about yet and just wanted to share what I learned! If you want to know more about guided reading check out our wiki here!


  1. I loved your blog and hearing about your article! Such a unique and valuable resource on finding the right books for the classroom. I also like the emphasis on administrative support, that was not something I had previously thought about. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You make a very valid point! The importance of having a large source of varied literature in the classroom is unavoidable, along with the cost. Therefore, as teachers we must find another method to stock our rooms with quality literature than relying on our hefty paychecks. This is a great resource for reflecting on when looking for sources to assist us in stocking our classrooms as teachers.

  3. Thank you for sharing this- a well stocked library is something I never thought of either!! I will have to check out your article- where did you find it?
